This Super Simple Style Secret Will Change the Way You Dress

This Super Simple Style Secret Will Change the Way You Dress

This Super Simple Style Secret Will Change the Way You Dress

Celebrity style and image specialist Colette Werden has come up with a way to dress that will change the way you look.


Ladies, it’s time to put the Spanx away, hang-up the black kaftans and throw out the fat pants, celebrity style and image specialist Colette Werden has introduced The Ratio System™ – a way of dressing set to open up your eyes to a whole new way of dressing.

Traditionally, we’ve been taught to dress to camouflage our stomach, hips or thighs by wearing tops or jackets that hang over them. But, what this does is create a dominant line across the hips region, drawing the eye to what is generally the widest part of the body.

Photo: Supplied
Photo: Supplied

Colette says, “This half-half ratio creates a rectangular shape to the woman’s stomach, rounder thighs and emphasises a woman’s mid-section, the area that she most commonly wants to camouflage.”

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